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Roteador Cisco C921-4P

Cód.: 43166
SKU: C921-4P
Os roteadores são projetados para fornecer conectividade de nível empresarial segurança e conectividade para pequenas e médias empresas.
Os ISRs desta série vêm com um switch gerenciado de 4 portas, fornecendo portas LAN para conectar vários dispositivos.



Managed switch ports

VLANs 50

Flash (fixed)


Internal power supply: Internal

Para mais informações:  var tpLog = { enabled: false, log: function(data) { if(this.enabled) console.log(data); } }; $j(document).ready(function(){ if (typeof priceLayer != 'undefined') { priceLayer.selectPriceLayer = function (value) { tpLog.log('Selected value: ' + value); if (value > 0) { $j('#qty').val(value); $j(".product-essential div:not(.price-floater,.price-floater__prices) > .tier-prices .tier-price input[type='radio']").each(function(index, input) { var jInput = $j(input); tpLog.log(jInput); var checked = jInput.val() == value ? 'checked' : false; tpLog.log(checked); jInput.prop('checked', checked); }); } } } if (typeof optionsPrice != 'undefined') { optionsPrice.reload = function() { var price; var formattedPrice; var optionPrices = this.getOptionPrices(); var nonTaxable = optionPrices[1]; var optionOldPrice = optionPrices[2]; var priceInclTax = optionPrices[3]; optionPrices = optionPrices[0]; $H(this.containers).each(function(pair) { var _productPrice; var _plusDisposition; var _minusDisposition; var _priceInclTax; var excl; var incl; var tax; if ($(pair.value)) { if (pair.value == 'old-price-'+this.productId && this.productOldPrice != this.productPrice) { _productPrice = this.productOldPrice; _plusDisposition = this.oldPlusDisposition; _minusDisposition = this.oldMinusDisposition; } else { _productPrice = this.productPrice; _plusDisposition = this.plusDisposition; _minusDisposition = this.minusDisposition; } _priceInclTax = priceInclTax; if (pair.value == 'old-price-'+this.productId && optionOldPrice !== undefined) { price = optionOldPrice+parseFloat(_productPrice); } else if (this.specialTaxPrice == 'true' && this.priceInclTax !== undefined && this.priceExclTax !== undefined) { price = optionPrices+parseFloat(this.priceExclTax); _priceInclTax += this.priceInclTax; } else { price = optionPrices+parseFloat(_productPrice); _priceInclTax += parseFloat(_productPrice) * (100 + this.currentTax) / 100; } if (this.specialTaxPrice == 'true') { excl = price; incl = _priceInclTax; } else if (this.includeTax == 'true') { // tax = tax included into product price by admin tax = price / (100 + this.defaultTax) * this.defaultTax; excl = price - tax; incl = excl*(1+(this.currentTax/100)); } else { tax = price * (this.currentTax / 100); excl = price; incl = excl + tax; } var subPrice = 0; var subPriceincludeTax = 0; Object.values(this.customPrices).each(function(el){ if (el.excludeTax && el.includeTax) { subPrice += parseFloat(el.excludeTax); subPriceincludeTax += parseFloat(el.includeTax); } else { subPrice += parseFloat(el.price); subPriceincludeTax += parseFloat(el.price); } }); excl += subPrice; incl += subPriceincludeTax; if (typeof this.exclDisposition == 'undefined') { excl += parseFloat(_plusDisposition); } incl += parseFloat(_plusDisposition) + parseFloat(this.plusDispositionTax); excl -= parseFloat(_minusDisposition); incl -= parseFloat(_minusDisposition); //adding nontaxlable part of options excl += parseFloat(nonTaxable); incl += parseFloat(nonTaxable); if (pair.value == 'price-including-tax-'+this.productId) { price = incl; } else if (pair.value == 'price-excluding-tax-'+this.productId) { price = excl; } else if (pair.value == 'old-price-'+this.productId) { if (this.showIncludeTax || this.showBothPrices) { price = incl; } else { price = excl; } } else { if (this.showIncludeTax) { price = incl; } else { price = excl; } } if (price < 0) price = 0; if (price > 0 || this.displayZeroPrice) { formattedPrice = this.formatPrice(price); } else { formattedPrice = ''; } if ($(pair.value).select('.price')[0]) { $(pair.value).select('.price')[0].innerHTML = formattedPrice; if ($(pair.value+this.duplicateIdSuffix) && $(pair.value+this.duplicateIdSuffix).select('.price')[0]) { $(pair.value+this.duplicateIdSuffix).select('.price')[0].innerHTML = formattedPrice; } } else { $(pair.value).innerHTML = formattedPrice; if ($(pair.value+this.duplicateIdSuffix)) { $(pair.value+this.duplicateIdSuffix).innerHTML = formattedPrice; } } }; }.bind(this)); if (typeof(skipTierPricePercentUpdate) === "undefined" && typeof(this.tierPrices) !== "undefined") { for (var i = 0; i < this.tierPrices.length; i++) { tpLog.log('Tier price: index[' + i + '], tierPrice[' + optionsPrice.tierPrices[i] + '];'); $$('.benefit').each(function(el) { tpLog.log('.benefit element next:'); tpLog.log(el); var parsePrice = function(html) { tpLog.log('Parsing price ...'); var format = this.priceFormat; var decimalSymbol = format.decimalSymbol === undefined ? "," : format.decimalSymbol; var regexStr = '[^0-9-' + decimalSymbol + ']'; //remove all characters except number and decimal symbol html = html.replace(new RegExp(regexStr, 'g'), ''); html = html.replace(decimalSymbol, '.'); return parseFloat(html); }.bind(this); var updateTierPriceInfo = function(priceEl, tierPriceDiff, tierPriceEl, benefitEl) { tpLog.log('Updating tier price info ...'); if (typeof(tierPriceEl) === "undefined") { //tierPrice is not shown, e.g., MAP, no need to update the tier price info return; } var productPrice = parsePrice(priceEl.innerHTML); tpLog.log('Product price: ' + productPrice); var tierPrice = productPrice + tierPriceDiff; tpLog.log('Initial tier price: ' + tierPrice); var tierOptionsPrice = 0; if(typeof spConfig != 'undefined') { spConfig.settings.each(function(setting) { var option = setting.options[setting.selectedIndex].config; if(option) { tierPrice = tierPrice - parseFloat(option.price); } }); tpLog.log('Final tier price: ' + tierPrice); spConfig.settings.each(function(setting) { var option = setting.options[setting.selectedIndex].config; if(option) { if(option.is_percent == true) { var multiplier = option.value / 100; var tierOptionPrice = tierPrice * multiplier; tierOptionsPrice = tierOptionsPrice + tierOptionPrice; } else { tierOptionsPrice = tierOptionsPrice + parseFloat(option.price); } } }); } tpLog.log('Tier options price: ' + tierOptionsPrice); var finalProductPrice = tierPrice + tierOptionsPrice; tpLog.log('Final product price: ' + finalProductPrice); tierPriceEl.innerHTML = this.formatPrice(finalProductPrice); var $percent = Selector.findChildElements(benefitEl, ['.percent.tier-' + i]); $percent.each(function(el) { el.innerHTML = Math.ceil(100 - ((100 / productPrice) * finalProductPrice)); }); }.bind(this); var tierPriceElArray = $$('.tier-price.tier-' + i + ' .price'); if (this.showBothPrices) { tpLog.log('Show both prices'); var containerExclTax = $(this.containers[3]); var tierPriceExclTaxDiff = this.tierPrices[i]; var tierPriceExclTaxEl = tierPriceElArray[0]; updateTierPriceInfo(containerExclTax, tierPriceExclTaxDiff, tierPriceExclTaxEl, el); var containerInclTax = $(this.containers[2]); var tierPriceInclTaxDiff = this.tierPricesInclTax[i]; var tierPriceInclTaxEl = tierPriceElArray[1]; updateTierPriceInfo(containerInclTax, tierPriceInclTaxDiff, tierPriceInclTaxEl, el); } else if (this.showIncludeTax) { tpLog.log('Show include tax'); var container = $(this.containers[0]); var tierPriceInclTaxDiff = this.tierPricesInclTax[i]; var tierPriceInclTaxEl = tierPriceElArray[0]; updateTierPriceInfo(container, tierPriceInclTaxDiff, tierPriceInclTaxEl, el); } else { tpLog.log('Show common price'); var container = $(this.containers[0]); var tierPriceExclTaxDiff = this.tierPrices[i]; var tierPriceExclTaxEl = tierPriceElArray[0]; updateTierPriceInfo(container, tierPriceExclTaxDiff, tierPriceExclTaxEl, el); } }, this); } } }; } });